
Friday, March 15, 2013 by Jerome A. Chanes | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In his new book on the Jewish future, Jewish diplomat Stuart Eizenstat sees Jewish destiny evolving in the friendly competition between the sovereignty of Israel and the pluralism of America.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013 by Judah Bellin | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
It is hard to imagine a liberal Christian theologian passionately defending Zionism today. But Reinhold Niebuhr praised Zionism as a means to the establishment of "highest civilization."

Monday, March 4, 2013 by David B. Starr | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
American Jewry is becoming less and less well informed about Zionism and Israel. Can anything be done to reverse this decline?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Must any history of Poland in the Second World War therefore put the Jews and the Holocaust at the center? If it does not, is that originality or revisionism?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 by Kevin Zdiara | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Founded to resurrect Portuguese Judaism 75 years ago, Kadoorie Mekor Haim synagogue in Porto remains a symbol of Jewish resilience, faith, and conviction.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 by Motti Inbari | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Given the demographic and spiritual decline among “biological” Jews in America, if we want to keep Judaism alive, we must do something that we haven't done for 2000 years: proselytize.

Friday, February 15, 2013 by David Hartman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
David Hartman, who passed away on Sunday, was among the foremost Jewish theologians of his generation. Here, we reprint some of his thoughts on God and the Jewish people.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 by Jonathan Marks | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Brooklyn College's BDS panel was no "open forum to discuss important topics," but anti-Zionist evangelism—which no academic department could support in good faith.

Friday, February 8, 2013 by Jacob Katz | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
"Was there any possibility," asks Jacob Katz in this 1996 Commentary essay, "that the Jews collectively might have been accepted in Europe on their own terms—that is, as a community, with a religion opposed to Christianity?"

Thursday, February 7, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
A new report by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America is the latest in a long line to allege anti-Israel bias at the New York Times. But the newspaper isn't about to change.
Editors' Picks
The Pleasures of Anti-Semitism Eve Garrard, Fathom. "You can’t miss the relish with which some people compare Jews to the Nazis, or the fake sorrow with which they bemoan the supposed fact that Jews have brought hatred on themselves."
Hungary's New Nazism Colin Freeman, Telegraph. Instead of convening in Jerusalem, the World Jewish Congress takes place this week in Budapest to highlight mounting anti-Semitism in Hungary—which is steadily becoming institutionalized.
Rehabilitating Fagin Charles Drazin, Jewish Chronicle. Charles Dickens regretted having associated Fagin's malice so closely with his being Jewish—which has forced modern adaptations to recast the Oliver Twist villain as a loveable rogue.
Unmasking Anti-Semitism Nathan Lopes Cardozo, Jerusalem Post. "It is not because they are 'good Christians' that the Europeans are instinctively anti-Semites," wrote Zionist leader Harry Sacher. "It is because they are bad Christians, in reality repressed pagans."
Gaza's Modesty Police Phoebe Greenwood, Telegraph. "They beat me for at least five minutes. I was crying and screaming with agony. I found out from neighbors when I got home that it was because of my hair."
Conspiracy of Silence Tibor Krausz, Jerusalem Report. A new book documents how “Jew” and “Zionist” have become generic insults in Muslim countries—and how Western policymakers deliberately ignore the extent of Islamic anti-Semitism.
Confessions of a British Zionist Liam Hoare, The Tower. "I am a Zionist because there is something inherently myopic, ignorant, and nasty about present-day anti-Zionism that must be confronted."
Jew in a Box Benjamin Weinthal, Foreign Policy. Is an exhibit at Berlin's Jewish Museum featuring a Jew sitting in a glass box, to answer visitors' questions, useful pedagogy, or "pathetic and useless"?
Warsaw: 70 Years On David Samuels, Tablet. "I was never so afraid as when I helped Jews," recalls Polish rescuer and statesman Władysław Bartoszewski. "Despite the fear, one has to do what has to be done. The right thing."
Art That's "Too Jewish" Bernard Starr, Algemeiner. Pre-Raphaelite painter John Everett Millet was aiming to revive the Christian pathos of early-Renaissance art. But critics attacked him for "portraying the youthful Savior as a red-headed Jew boy."