B'shallah: Who is Like You?

Exodus 13:17–17:16
Why it's "mi-KHAmokha" the first time and "mi KAmokha" the second time—and why it matters. (Click here for source sheet.)
Download | Duration: 00:12:02
sylvia herskowitz on January 25, 2013 at 7:57 am ( )
Yasher Koach to Michael Carasik for his very succinct and enlightening Torah Talk this am. It is the first thing I listen to most mornings and I appreciate it very much.Until I heard today's talk I had never even noticed the difference in the two spellings of Kamocha, and I have been saying those words for close to three quarters of a century.
Emily on January 25, 2013 at 3:14 pm ( )
Yes, I too want to thank you for this explanation. It sent me back to my Sim Shalom siddur where the dash in the first instance is omitted. Any thoughts about this?
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