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Levi Eshkol

The Six-Day War: Day Three The Six-Day War: Day Three
Thursday, June 7, 2012 by | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features

As Nasser was ordering his army to flee the Sinai, King Hussein commanded his to stay put. But within the Old City, only a hundred soldiers remained, the rest having already retreated toward the East Bank.
The Six-Day War: Day One The Six-Day War: Day One
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 by | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features

As the sun rose on June 5th, 1967, squadrons of Egypt's MiG fighter jets took to the skies for their morning patrols. Fearing that an Israeli attack would begin at dawn, their aim was to be ready to meet any Israeli planes.
On the Eve of the Six-Day War On the Eve of the Six-Day War
Monday, June 4, 2012 by | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features

Forty-five years ago today, on June 4, 1967, Israel and the Jewish world were in suspense. Today, we recall the Six-Day War as a stunning martial victory by the Jewish state; but on the war's eve, this outcome was wholly unforeseeable. Indeed, the odds appeared firmly stacked against Israel.
Editors' Picks
Dreams of the Promised Land , Israel State Archives. A declared supporter of Israel, Martin Luther King was officially invited to Israel several times during the 1960s, and gladly accepted each invitation.  So, why did his visit never take place?
The Problem of Proportional Response Yaacov Lozowick, Israel State Archives. Fifty years ago Ben-Gurion faced the problem of finding a proportional response to Syrian attacks on Israeli fisherman.  The answer was—as it remains today—targeted military attacks.