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Sh’mot: The Gathering
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by Torah Talk with Michael Carasik | Jewish Ideas Daily » Weekly Portions

A mysterious connection between Moses and Elijah—coincidence? (Click here for source sheet.) Download | Duration: 00:11:47
Editors' Picks
The Sound of Silence Karen Armstrong, Literary Review. "Negative theology does not mean the suppression of speech; rather, it takes us through speech to another dimension of reality."
Elijah's Newfangled Cup Eliezer Brodt, Seforim. Opening the door to Elijah and inviting him to drink a cup of wine is a widespread Seder custom today.  But there is no record of this custom anywhere before the 17th century.
Ascending to Heaven James Tabor, Bible History Daily. Though Paul of Tarsus decisively broke with Judaism, his vision of heaven in the Book of Corinthians was not so different from contemporaneous Jewish ideas.