Al Aqsa Mosque

Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Moshe Sokolow | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Archeology has become a full-fledged battlefield in the dispute over who has the superior claim to Jerusalem: Jews or Muslims.
Editors' Picks
What Happened on the Temple Mount? Noah Wiener, Bible History Daily. Carbon tests suggest that wooden beams removed from the al-Aqsa Mosque may have originated in the Temple built by King Herod.
The Elephant in the Mosque Jonathan D. Halevi, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Mahmoud Abbas' recent agreement with King Abdullah II reaffirms Jordanian jurisdiction over the Al-Aqsa compound but ignores Jordan's Palestinian dilemma.
Mounting Tension Daniel Tauber, Jerusalem Post. When Israeli police arrest Jews for the crime of praying on the Temple Mount, they are subjecting peaceful citizens to the whims of a violent minority.