Shimon Peres

Thursday, February 28, 2013 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Talmud states, "The older Torah scholars become, the greater wisdom increases within them." Yet the Torah imposes an age limit on spiritual leadership.

Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Elli Fischer | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
As Israelis take in the collapse of Netanyahu’s grand coalition, ultra-Orthodox demonstrations in Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv tent protesters' lionization of an attempted suicide, it may have escaped general attention that none of these problems featured among the prophetic visions of last month’s Presidential Conference, which charged itself with “Facing Tomorrow.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Observing Egypt's current upheaval, a writer for the Hebrew daily Makor Rishon has ventured the thought that whatever happens there, and no matter who takes power, "the lesson for Israel is clear: Arab regimes cannot be trusted."

Friday, July 23, 2010 by Elliot Jager | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The 70th yahrzeit of Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940) was marked on July 11, at Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres. There was nary a mention of it in the Israeli media—an extraordinary omission given that Jabotinsky was not only a founder of the Haganah and the supreme commander of the Irgun but also a towering Zionist theoretician and leader.
Editors' Picks
It's Not the Electoral System, Stupid! Raphael Ahren, Times of Israel. Israel's electoral system is often made the scapegoat for its political problems. But for retiring MK Einat Wilf, Israel's issues are no different from those of any other democracy.
Wardrobe Malfunction Shimon Peres, Spiegel. "I see it as a 'world spring' rather than an Arab spring," muses the Israeli President. "And you can't come to a world spring dressed for winter." (Interview by Hans Hoyng & Juliane von Mittelstaedt)
Reading Kant to Kissinger Shlomo Avineri, Jewish Review of Books. In 1976, Shlomo Avineri met with Henry Kissinger to discuss Syria and Lebanon. But they ended up talking about Kant and Hegel—to the confusion of any Soviet eavesdroppers.
A Jewish Disneyland? Ellen Barry, New York Times. With Moscow's new Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Vladimir Putin is appealing to Jews who fled the country to return—while Shimon Peres thanks Russia for "a thousand years of hospitality."
Satisfaction? Shimon Peres, eJewish Philanthropy. Jews feel “at home in the 21st century,” a time of constant change, says Israel’s President—because “what characterizes Jews above all is dissatisfaction."