
Monday, May 20, 2013 by Aryeh Klapper | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
As Jewish Ideas Daily nears its re-launch, we look back at some of our highlights over the last three-and-a-half years—beginning with Aryeh Klapper's day-school proposal, first published May 14, 2012.

Monday, March 18, 2013 by Simon Gordon | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
For millennia, philosophers have attempted to prove or disprove the existence of free will. Ludwig Wittgenstein saw this as a misguided exercise—which obscures a genuine moral issue.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 by Jonathan Marks | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Brooklyn College's BDS panel was no "open forum to discuss important topics," but anti-Zionist evangelism—which no academic department could support in good faith.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 by Shlomo M. Brody | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Jewish law prohibits individuals from selling weapons to irresponsible or violent customers. But how does this apply to Israel's arms sales to foreign governments?

Monday, January 7, 2013 by D. G. Myers | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Howard Jacobson's latest novel, Zoo Time, is not immediately recognizable as Jewish fiction; but Jacobson again portrays the fear, uncertainty, and ambivalence that characterize the modern Jew.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 by Gil Student | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
For 13 years in the New York Times Magazine, Randy Cohen’s weekly column, “The Ethicist,” posed and answered ethical questions from readers. I turned to the book for a summation of his ethical sensibility—and found evidence of both his decency and the limits of his secular approach, which in turn highlight a danger society currently faces.

Friday, October 12, 2012 by Shai Afsai | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In the introduction to his popular and influential history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, The Iron Wall, Oxford professor Avi Shlaim tells this story: "The publication of [Herzl's] The Jewish State evoked various reactions in the Jewish community, some strongly favorable, some hostile, and some skeptical . . ."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 by Lawrence Grossman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
In the current Hebrew month of repentance, it’s hard not to notice that we live in a culture that takes sin far less seriously than it used to. The formula “mistakes were made” has largely replaced the admission of personal responsibility.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 by Yehudah Mirsky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Some years ago, when I was helping the daughter of friends prepare for her bat mitzvah, we got to talking about her ‘‘bat mitzvah project.’’ She confided that while her parents wanted her to do something Jewish, she wanted to do something related to social justice. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Friday, June 22, 2012 by Jacob Friedman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The study of medicine has fascinated the Jewish imagination for centuries, from the mysterious remedies of the Talmud to the medieval medical practice of Maimonides and the modern age of my-son-the-doctor bragging rights.
Editors' Picks
Bad Education Vigen Guroian, Imaginative Conservative. "I try to explain to my pupils that envy is despicable," wrote Martin Buber, "and at once I feel the secret resistance of those who are poorer than their comrades."
The Virtue of Repugnance Sohrab Ahmari, Wall Street Journal. "As pain is to the body so repugnance is to the soul," says bioethicist Leon Kass. "Repugnance is some kind of wake-up call that there is something untoward going on and attention must be paid."
Religion without God Ronald Dworkin, New York Review of Books. In acknowledging a sense of value, mystery, and purpose in life, many non-believers live by a form of faith—and reject the naturalism of the New Atheists.
Changing the Tune Michael White, Telegraph. Having laid bare its Nazi history, the Vienna Philharmonic has faced calls to disband. But ought we to assume that "all great musicians should be great examples of humanity"?
Tower of Babble Judah Bellin, Commentary. A recent book on Jewish social justice claims to apply “Jewish values and law” to “pressing contemporary moral issues.” But does it reduce the Torah to a vehicle for a political agenda?
Beyond the Pursuit of Happiness Emily Esfahani Smith, Atlantic. Psychiatrist Victor Frankl, a concentration camp survivor, wrote that "if there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering."
Was Hitler Insane? Yvonne Sherratt, Times Higher Education. A new book thoroughly examines Hitler's medical records. There is no doubt, the author says, about Hitler's mental health—and criminal responsibility.
How Democratic was the Jewish Demos? Jonathan Sacks, Jewish Chronicle. Is the Hebrew Bible an attempt on the part of humans to govern themselves? Or is it the story of a people who saw themselves under the sovereignty of God?
The Rabbi and the Doctor Alan Brill, Book of Doctrines and Opinions. Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits created the field of Jewish medical ethics. Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant. Their long correspondence provides some surprises.
Game Theory Discovers the Torah Jonathan Sacks, Jewish Press. Sophisticated game theorists have established the optimal formula for human well being: the covenants of justice and mercy established between God and Noah after the flood.