
Friday, September 7, 2012 by Yoel Finkelman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Shaul Stampfer, one of Israel's foremost experts on Eastern European Jewry, is the most unlikely of iconoclasts. A thin, quiet, unassuming man, he gives the impression that he would have been happy as a simple melamed (elementary school teacher) in the shtetls he describes.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
There has never been agreement about Zionism. Not only is the idea of Jewish nationalism controversial, the very word “Zionism” arouses unique passions, as a recent controversy highlights.

Monday, August 20, 2012 by Eitan Kensky | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
My father and I visited Auschwitz for the first time this summer. It was toward the end of a long trip to Eastern Europe. We had already gone to the killing fields and forests of Lithuania, and to Warsaw, where my father broke down . . .

Friday, August 10, 2012 by Diana Muir Appelbaum | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
As a child, the French filmmaker Kamal Hachkar learned the Berber language from his grandparents in Tinghir, a Berber oasis city east of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. As an adult he discovered that the now exclusively Muslim town once had a substantial Jewish community.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 by Kevin Zdiara | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
With the United States of 2012 more culturally diverse than ever, it is tempting to think that the country’s social pluralism was foreordained. After all, aren’t we a nation of immigrants?

Friday, June 15, 2012 by Malka Margolin | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Forty-two years ago today, on June 15, 1970, a group of Soviet dissidents gathered at Smolny Airport outside Leningrad. They had bought all the seats on a 12-passenger aircraft headed 240 miles northwest to Priozersk, near the Finnish border.

Monday, April 2, 2012 by Yoel Finkelman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Peter Beinart's new blog on the Daily Beast titled Open Zion (formerly Zion Square) is dedicated to an "open and unafraid conversation about Israel, Palestine, and the Jewish future." But after several weeks of Open Zion, one writer has concluded that its conversation is not, in fact, open—and is not one in which he can continue to take part. Here, he resigns his position.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010 by Efraim Karsh | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
"Two states, living side by side in peace and security." This, in the words of President Barack Obama, is the solution to the century-long conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East. Washington is fully and determinedly on board. So are the Europeans. The UN and the "international community" vociferously agree. Successive governments of the state of Israel have shown their support for the idea. So far, there is—just as there has always been—only one holdout.
Editors' Picks
Israel’s New Academic Diversity Dror Eydar, Israel Hayom. The opposition of Israel’s academic establishment to Ariel University is less about its location than the fact that Ariel threatens the Left’s hegemony over higher education.
Reading the Talmud in Tehran , Talmud Blog. After the Vice President of Iran's claim that narcotic abuse stems from the Talmud was challenged, he responded that he wasn't attacking "authentic" Jews—just Zionists.
Endgame: Zionism Shlomo Avineri, Jewish Review of Books. Herzl was well aware of the existence of a sizeable Arab population in Israel. In fact, the issue of equal rights for the non-Jewish population is central to his novel's plot.
The Man Who Stood Alone Matti Friedman, Times of Israel. Yitzhak Shamir fled Poland for Palestine, determined to live his commitment to Jewish self-reliance. He did so with unswerving vision, until his death this past Saturday.
And on the Seventh Day? Hillel Halkin, Wall Street Journal. A new book argues that Israel could have made peace after the Six-Day War; but three unfounded assumptions undermine the author’s claim.