Theodor Adorno

Friday, September 28, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Irony cannot exist in isolation; something is ironic only in relation to a larger pattern of events or behavior. Every three years, the city of Frankfurt awards its Adorno Prize to honor scholarly achievement in philosophy, music, film, and theater.
Editors' Picks
From Habermas to Judith Butler Edward Alexander, Jerusalem Post. A Jew who came to prominence as an academic proponent of anti-Israel divestment, Berkeley's star post-structuralist has just won Germany’s prestigious Theodor Adorno Prize.
All About the Benjamins Brían Hanrahan, Los Angeles Review of Books. Sustained financially by his friend Gershom Scholem for much of his life, the revolutionary Marxist Walter Benjamin has posthumously become a commercial success.