
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 by Laura Silver | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
More than Hebrew School, a Torah scroll or the eternal light in the synagogue, the knish provided sanctuary. It encapsulated my identity: ethnic, funny, and grounded in the past.

Monday, January 14, 2013 by Lance J. Sussman | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Lincoln represents a missed opportunity to show that Jews didn’t just turn up in America in the wake of Russian pogroms.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
The Torah belongs to all Jews and, indeed, to anyone who cares to learn and live its ways. But it is not transparent.

Friday, August 10, 2012 by Diana Muir Appelbaum | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
As a child, the French filmmaker Kamal Hachkar learned the Berber language from his grandparents in Tinghir, a Berber oasis city east of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. As an adult he discovered that the now exclusively Muslim town once had a substantial Jewish community.
Editors' Picks
. . . To The Black Rose Palash R. Ghosh, International Business Times. In 1904 the townsfolk of Limerick, Ireland, boycotted Jewish businesses and forced the town’s 150 Jews to leave. As late as 1970, the town’s mayor defended the action.
Communist Colluders Anne Applebaum, Jewish Chronicle. After World War II, East European Communist parties sought to burnish their image as nationalist patriots. How did they do it? Anti-Semitism, of course.