Ehud Barak

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by Alex Joffe | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
No cause, force or organization, brings Americans, primarily Jews but also Christians, together like the cause of Israel as managed by AIPAC.

There are hundreds of Jewish organizations in the United States. Fifty-two national groups have qualified for membership in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. But only a handful, whether secular, religious, or "fraternal," can be said to wield extensive influence either inside the Jewish community or beyond it. One of these is the American Jewish Committee (AJC), a quintessential establishment agency whose annual meeting, held last week in Washington, drew notables from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Founded in New York by affluent, acculturated "uptown" German Jews in 1906, the AJC sought initially to...
Editors' Picks
A Piecemeal Peace Shlomo Avineri, Foreign Affairs. Post-election, an Israeli-Palestinian peace is no less remote. Perhaps we should look to places like Cyprus, Bosnia, and Kosovo for ideas that are less ambitious—and more feasible.
It's Not the Electoral System, Stupid! Raphael Ahren, Times of Israel. Israel's electoral system is often made the scapegoat for its political problems. But for retiring MK Einat Wilf, Israel's issues are no different from those of any other democracy.
Barak's Last Battle Jonathan Tepperman, Foreign Affairs. "Barak's basic approach to security, although he never articulated it as such, boils down to expecting the worst and acting accordingly. It's a logical position for a chastened former peacemaker."
Israel's Fallen Warrior Dan Margalit, Israel Hayom. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, the IDF's 15th chief of staff, has died. He survived the battles of Karameh and the Lebanon coast only to succumb to the more formidable foe of leukemia.
Bye Bye Barak Mitch Ginsburg, Times of Israel. Ehud Barak's surprise retirement from politics has not disappointed everyone. But some commentators are already comparing him to another general-turned-politician, Moshe Dayan.
A New War in Gaza? Gadi Golan, Shlomo Cesana, Daniel Siryoti, Lilach Shoval, Itzik Saban, Israel Hayom. As rockets from Gaza continue to bombard Israel’s south, the IDF is reportedly preparing another ground invasion. “Air power,” says one insider, “has run its course.”
Barak's New Bargain Mortimer B. Zuckerman, U.S. News. Ehud Barak’s new idea: incorporate some settlements into Israel and pull out of the rest of the West Bank. A retreat from Zionism—or a way to save it?
Mossad's Greatest Hits Larry Getlen, New York Post. From the capture of Adolf Eichmann to Ehud Barak's undercover cross-dressing, a new book lays bare the greatest missions of the Israeli secret service.
Barack vs. Barak Oren Kessler, Foreign Policy. Once Israel’s dovish prime minister, Ehud Barak has emerged as the champion of military action against Iran, much to Washington’s chagrin.
The Most Dangerous Man in the World Reuel Marc Gerecht, Weekly Standard. The West may hope that Iran would have enough acumen not to actually use a nuclear bomb, but her Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, hasn’t exhibited much sense yet.