Adolf Eichmann

Monday, April 15, 2013 by Anita Shapira | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Eschewing Jewish expressions of mourning, Israel's founding generations shaped a national ethos of silence and self-restraint, which found expression in the words of poet David Shimoni: “Don’t mourn, don’t cry/ at a time like this./ Don’t lower your head,/ Work! Work!”

Monday, January 28, 2013 by Ismar Schorsch | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Where recognition of the Holocaust was once restricted to the office of the Chancellor, there is a grassroots commitment in today's Germany to take ownership of the past.

Friday, January 25, 2013 by Chaya Glasner | Jewish Ideas Daily » Daily Features
Ban Ki-Moon dedicated this year’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day to the uncelebrated “ordinary” rescuers of Nazi victims. But Jewish rescuer and survivor Berta Rubinsztejn is anything but ordinary.
Editors' Picks
Eichmann's Jews Anton Pelinka, H-Net. A new history of the Viennese Jews forced to co-operate with Adolf Eichmann argues that Benjamin Murmelstein, long vilified as collaborator, tried to save Jewish lives wherever possible.
Arendt and the Arabs Richard L. Rubenstein, New English Review. Hannah Arendt feared that Zionism would create a “Jewish island in an Arab sea.” But her Eurocentrism kept her from seeing just how hostile that sea would be.
Mossad's Greatest Hits Larry Getlen, New York Post. From the capture of Adolf Eichmann to Ehud Barak's undercover cross-dressing, a new book lays bare the greatest missions of the Israeli secret service.