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Associated Press

Iraq Reclaims Its Jewish Past Rebecca Santana 01/19/2010
Byzantine-Era Wine Press Discovered 02/26/2010
Doing Business with Israel Jamal Halaby 04/27/2010
Running against Israel Jamal Halaby 11/22/2010
Alliance Shifts Elena Becatoros 07/15/2011
Digging the Bible's Bad Guys 07/25/2011
French Muslims Training with the Taliban Gerald Warner 03/28/2012
One Last Guardian 05/04/2012
Thorn in the PA's Side Karin Laub, Dalia Nammari 03/23/2010
From Yemen to Monsey Nicole Neroulias 03/18/2010
Sabbath Joy Down South Emily Wagster Pettus 04/01/2010
Rare Illumination Matti Friedman 04/23/2010
Through a Canvas Darkly Matti Friedman 05/24/2010
By the Waters of Lebanon Bassem Mroue 07/28/2010
Access 09/08/2010
An Israeli Bubble? Amy Teibel 10/15/2010
Scroll Through Tia Goldbenberg 10/21/2010
Capturing Goering 02/01/2011
What was Found at Hirbet Madras? Matti Friedman 02/04/2011
Profiting from Loss? 02/11/2011
No Balancing Act 03/03/2011
God's Mountain Matti Friedman 04/14/2011
Lenin's Jewish Roots 05/25/2011
Earthly Jerusalem Matti Friedman 06/01/2011
Israel's Pompeii Matti Friedman 06/24/2011
Found Rebecca Santana 07/14/2011
Digging the Bible's Bad Guys 07/15/2011
For Whom the Bell Tolls 07/26/2011
Where's Wallenberg? Arthur Max 08/02/2011
From Jerusalem's Ancient Tunnels 08/09/2011
Evolutionary Torah Matti Friedman 08/15/2011
What Happened to Raoul Wallenberg? Arthur Max, Vladimir Isachenkov 09/27/2011
Multicultural Mass 10/31/2011
Holy Land Stonehenge 11/04/2011
Turning on a Dime 11/30/2011
V Matti Friedman 12/09/2011
New President Calls for Tunisia's Jews to Return 12/21/2011
Newton the Theologian Aron Heller 02/20/2012
Romney, Run 07/30/2012
Hashemites Hanging in the Balance 08/02/2012
The Jew of Jobbik Pablo Gorondi 08/16/2012
Start-Up Nation, Shut-Down Bureacracy 08/31/2012
Kabbalah's Spiritual Home Daniela Berretta 10/24/2012
Secular Jerusalem Fights Back 10/26/2012
Holograms of the Holocaust 02/07/2013
Israeli Natural Gas Field Comes on Line Associated Press 04/04/2013

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